As I right this post, I'm listening to Steve Earle sing "Satellite Radio" on Sirius 18, the Spectrum. This is my new favorite satellite radio station. I've had satellite radio on my mind this morning and so has Kevin Tofel at JK On the Run (Link). Kevin posts several ways to listen to your XM Radio subscription on the web. I recently switched from XM to Sirius because of changes in the Tax Man auto fleet. Sirius provides an online player that works with Mac OSX, but the player (at least in OSX) doesn't offer features that I used to enjoy on XM. First, it doesn't show what's playing. Boo! It also is a bit kludgy to switch to a new station. I can't find any dashboard widgets or 3rd party players that work on the Mac for Sirius. There's lots of Google links to one called SiriusMac, but the download links appear to be inactive. So, that's about it for now on the Sirius front for the Mac. I'll update if I find anything else. Am I missing something? Please leave a comment if you have any ideas... Thx
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