Sunday, September 16, 2007

This Blog Thingy is Addicting

1,000 folks have stopped by my little spot on the Internets. Or maybe, one person has stopped by 1,000 times. Not sure how that little counter thingy works. Anyway, I appreciate everybody that's come by. I'm having fun with this and will keep bringing you more of my adventures in technology and gadgets. The HTC Advantage is going to be a keeper. I have been on the fence a bit over it, but I remembered from my high school social studies that if the president of the United States doesn't sign a bill into law and the period expires for him to veto the bill, it becomes law without his signature and is called a "pocket veto". So by not returning my HTC Advantage to CompUSA within the 14-day return period and paying a hefty 15% restocking fee, the Advantage is becoming mine by "pocket veto". I blame JK! I still have until tomorrow to decide for sure. (The weak are plagued by indecision).

1 comment:

Rodfather said...

I definitely feel you on that. I just started my mobile tech blog a month ago and just recently migrated it to
It's getting very addicting and I'm always catching myself looking at the stats.

My  Blog is Still Here...Where am I? My last blog entry was in January 2021, yet my blog is  still here.  I've seen too many blog posts ...