Friday, October 26, 2007

More Leopard News

It came! I have the box here. My Fedex driver was happy that I was here. She said the dispatcher told all the drivers they had to keep coming back to try to deliver Leopard if people weren't there on their first attempt. That's not normally how Fedex operates. Interesting. I called one of my local Apple Stores. She told me that if you buy a Mac after 6 tonight, it doesn't come with Leopard installed but you get the Leopard disk. In case you're wondering. I know that a 24" iMac keeps calling my iPhone and saying it wants to come home with me.


John said...

I'll be damned if that same 24" iMac hasn't been calling my iPhone all week and in a very sultry voice demanding the same from me!

By the way Fedex has NEVER come back to redeliver for me, so just goes to show you the pull Apple has with their partners right now.....

Unknown said...

Hey John,

I know that voice. Hopefully, there's more than one or else there could be a scuffle in the parking lot. :)

My  Blog is Still Here...Where am I? My last blog entry was in January 2021, yet my blog is  still here.  I've seen too many blog posts ...