One thing to consider - by using video/twitter as your main means for moving ahead ‘the conversation’ you are explicitly diminishing the size of your audience. And it’s not just the chaff - the reality is people with busy jobs just don’t want much video.
-- Jeremy Toeman on
Jeremy makes a fabulous comment to Robert Scoble, who seems to be devoting more of his energy and conversation to video. I tend to surf the net a lot while doing other things. Twitter, blogs, RSS feeds all work great for this. Podcasts less, and videos? fuggediboutit! Most of the time, having sound and video is too much of a distraction and it doesn't work on my mobile devices. A little video every now and then is okay, but as the main form of conversation? I agree with Jeremy that it's a bottleneck. I've got unwatched shows on Tivo, a backlog of unlistened to and unwatched Podcasts. Too much info and too little time. Right now, I'm watching the Dallas Cowboys play the Minnesota Vikings. I've got my BlackBook in my lap and I'm checking out RSS feeds while I watch. I'm not going to fire up a video while I'm doing this. What do you think? Am I just too old school and need to change my way of thinking?
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