Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Flogging a dead horse...

No worries. I didn't actually flog any real horses.  By "flogging a dead horse" I refer to my continuing quest to successfully run "Back-to-my-F*n-Mac" between home and office.  I have moments of greatness, when it works, only to have hopes dashed against the sharp rocks of reality. In this latest installment, I became convinced that my Netgear wireless router at work was the stumbling block that was keeping me from enjoying B2MM goodness. So, I wondered over to North Park Apple store to buy an Airport Extreme Base Station.  Armed with Apple's finest, I returned to the office and relegated the Netgear router to the shelf that serves as gear purgatory in my office.  So, guess what? That wasn't the problem! (pause for effect).  Okay, I said I wasn't going to rant so

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