Friday, February 11, 2011

I'm Married to iOS. I only Fool Around with Android

This tweet about sums up my try to walk away from the iPad into the waiting arms (? this analogy is starting to break down) of the Samsung Galaxy Tab and its Android ways.  The Internet is clogged with people batting about whether the iPad is all that, but for me the answer is clear.  I love my iPad. As much as I liked the 7" form factor of the Samsung Galaxy Tab, I like my iOS apps more: Netflix, Hulu Plus, for example.  I don't use them all the time but when I want to watch a show, I want to watch a show.  My AT&T voicemail at the office has a great app for iOS, but no Android app.  Music creation?  There are tons of interesting music instrument apps that I enjoy playing around with.  Android? not so much.  Flipboard for the iPad is an awesome way to view content.  No such app for Android.

Sure, for web browsing, Twitter, Facebook (Android wins on Facebook, actually), e-book reading, and e-mail, I enjoyed one platform just as much as the other.  I'd even go so far as to say that these activities are better on the Tab because I love the 7" size.

What about the fact that the tab can play Flash video?  Flash works so poorly on Android devices that Apple fans aren't missing out on much there.

The bottom line for me is that I can bear to part with the Galaxy Tab and use only the iPad.  I can say with certainty that I could not personally give up the iPad and go it alone with the Galaxy Tab.

So, the Galaxy Tab went back to the Sprint store today.  As a final note, the Sprint store rep was very pleasant to to deal with. I was dreading the return process. Turns out there was no reason for concern. The return was fast, friendly, and there were no hassles.  I'd do business with them again.

I'll always remember those two weeks with an Android tablet, but I'm married to iOS.

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