Saturday, October 27, 2012

Microsoft Surface Tablet - Initial Thoughts

In my previous post, I described the shopping experience in buying my new Microsoft Surface tablet. I'm just getting started with using the device but I wanted to share some initial thoughts.

Belle is checking out the new tablet. Who knew she was a Microsoftie!

Although I did the initial set-up of my tablet at the Microsoft store, I had much more to play with when I got home. After adding additional email accounts, Twitter and Facebook, I checked out the app store.  Like you've read, the cupboards are pretty bare at the moment, but I did download Netflix,  Youtube player, USA Today, Youverse Bible, Kindle Reader, Overdrive Media Console, Pocket Recorder and a couple of other apps. In addition, to the downloaded apps, there were 15 apps that needed to update...

Out of the box, Office 2013 is a "Preview Edition." However, there is an update that will install the final version of Office 2013 as well as update the Flash player for Internet Explorer.  Curiously, this update wasn't accessed from the Windows Store like I figured it would.  Instead, I had to go to the Windows 7 style desktop, find the control panel (point with your mouse to where the start button would be in the lower left corner and right click), and run software update like I was still running Windows 7.  The update is over 500MB and takes a while to install. 

I will write more about using the Surface Tablet later, and I will compare to Chromebook and iPad. I did discover that my Sirius XM Online would play, but only so long as I didn't open another browser tab or switch to a different application.

The Surface is a beautiful device and I think it holds a lot of promise.  The UI is a bit confusing.  I'm not always sure which way to swipe to do what I want to do, and sometimes, even when I do know what to do, I have to repeat the gesture a few times to make it work.  I can imagine this would be maddening for many people.  Still, I plan to use this device a ton and will share more thoughts over the next few days.

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